Saturday 2 May 2015

Population Problems in Bone Regency SIAK Implementation problems in e-KTPrecording

Population Problems in Bone Regency
SIAK Implementation problems in e-KTPrecording 
In Tanete Riattang Subdistrict
By : Andi Aswin Manggabarani

_____One of the districts that are in the province of South Sulawesi is Bone County. District of bone has 27 districts which consists of 328 villages and 44 urban villages. In accordance with the mandate of regional autonomy obligatory functions of local government in accordance with those specified in the National Law Number 32 of 2004 which has been revised to National Law number 23 of 2014 jo. Government Regulation in lieu of National Law No. 2 of 2014 Government neighbor regions, compulsory Affairs under the authority of local government to the district / city is a matter of scale, district / city include:
a. Planning and development control; 
b. Planning, utilization, and control layout; 
c. Implementation of public order and public tranquility; 
d. Provision of public facilities and infrastructure; 
e. Handling of the health sector; 
f. Provision of education; 
g. Alleviation of social problems; 
h. The field of employment services; 
i. Facilitating the development of cooperatives, small and medium enterprises; 
j. Environmental control; 
k. Land services; 
l. Service population, and civil; 
m. The general administration of government; 
n. Investment administration services; 
o. Implementation of other basic services; and 
p. Other obligatory functions mandated by legislation.

_____Policy implementation in the Population Administration Information System KTP-EL recording is part of the service population and civil registration. It shows the Civil Registration Service is the duty of the Local Government and the manifestation of the policy implementation Population Administration Information System (SIAK) has been seen in Bone regency, South Sulawesi Province, especially as evidenced by the implementation of government programs that Application Identity Number (NIK), which applies nationwide and also KTP-EL (Electronic KTP). Implementation of KTP-EL program implementation was conducted in 27 Sub District Bone and Recording KTP-EL carried out directly by the respective District Government. In particular, in one sub-district in the district of the District TaneteRiattang Bone, has also implemented policies Population Administration Information System (SIAK) as indicated by the recording ID card-EL.

_____KTP-EL included in one of the forms of administration and the administration of residence is an important and necessary nature as proposed by Syafiie (2010: 66) that "administrative function itself is the implementation of state policy run by officials (officials) government , because of the administration as a thing to be associated with the implementation of the wisdom-the wisdom of the nation's will".

_____Application of Population Administration Information System policy in Sub TaneteRiattang especially in the recording process KTP-EL is still constrained by several problems that inhibit the most out later. Certainly the most urgently needed in order to create a population administration information management is good so that a database recording the population of KTP-EL is also accurate.

_____The problem faced is the quality of human resources (operators) which manages the administration of residence, especially in data recording KTP-EL still minimal as indicated by the persistence of the KTP-EL physically incompatible with the original Bios residents. Then factor supporting facilities and infrastructure policy implementation Population Administration Information System (SIAK) is still limited. Community support in recording KTP-EL also lacking characterized by the presence of residents recorded in the KTP-EL compulsory recording but have not recording. Several issues have been raised that there is also a problem of the District TaneteRiattang is a sub urban area has a population that continues to move and come to grow each year so as to hinder the process of policy implementation in the Population Administration Information System Recording KTP-EL.

The solution offered by the author:

  1. The first problem faced by the quality of human resources (operators) which manages the administration of residence, especially in data recording KTP-EL still minimal as indicated by the persistence of the KTP-EL physically incompatible with the original biographical data of citizens, can be overcome by increasing the number of recording operators who have been given a special provision of the KTP-el previous recording. Often the error occurred due to operator fatigue in society input data resulting in less concentration in the recording process is carried out. Besides monitoring the performance of operators implemented by sub-district officials in charge so that the operator can work more seriously in the recording process KTP-el is not random in the community data entry. 
  2. Then the problem of facilities and infrastructure to support policy implementation Population Administration Information System (SIAK) is still limited, can be overcome with the addition of facilities and infrastructure that support the recording process KTP-el. Can also with rehabilitating existing facilities and infrastructure on a regular basis.
  3. Community support in recording KTP-EL also lacking characterized by the presence of residents recorded in the KTP-EL compulsory recording but have not recording, could be solved with the implementation of more intensive socialization conducted by the district governments in order to raise public awareness in implementing recording KTP-el. Application of Active stelsel or better known by the term 'proactive' in accordance with National Law No. 24 of 2013 on population administration so that government directly involved spaciousness to the recording KTP-el. 
  4. Some of the issues that have been raised also there is a problem the District TaneteRiattang is a sub urban area has a population that continues to move and come to grow each year so as to hinder the process of policy implementation in the Population Administration Information System Recording KTP-EL, to address this need to be made special rules for people who come where people who want to live more than a month then it should be enrolling recording and performing KTP-el in the district. However, if the residence time of less than 6 months then need a temporary resident card issued by the district that coordinate with the Department of Population and Civil Registration District Bone.

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