Sunday, 10 May 2015

Performance of Population and Civil Registrar Agency in the Making Bitrh Certificate Service in City of Tanjungpinang Kepulauan Riau Province

Performance of Population and Civil Registrar Agency in the Making Bitrh Certificate Service in City of Tanjungpinang Kepulauan Riau Province
By: Nugraha Fitrah Harnugama

______Every society, both individuals and groups in a country have the right to obtain the services of his country's government. Public service functions (public service function) is one of the main functions of government, which is the government's efforts in order to meet the needs of society in order to realize one of the goals that the creation of the welfare state society, and is one indicator of success for the government in implementing the governance process.

______Since the implementation of regional autonomy, each autonomous region has an obligation to provide excellent service to the community in accordance with the mandate of the laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia. It is contained in Law No. 32 of 2004 which was converted into Law No. 23 Year 2014 jo. PERPPU No. 2 Year 2014 on Regional Government. If the process of providing public services implemented by local governments well, the successful implementation of regional autonomy. The existence of this public service, the government is expected to respond to what the community needs and provide services in accordance with the service standards set out in Act No. 25 of 2009 on Public Service.

______Government functions should also ensure services delivered to the community of really good quality in terms of service is getting better, easier, and faster is not just the provision of services only. Quality of care also about the attitude of officials in providing services. Friendly attitude, friendly and high empathy is part of the excellent service. It also must be supported by adequate infrastructure and facilities in every service process.

______Administration of the population is one form of public services are organized and the responsibility of the Regions in accordance with Article 22 of Law No. 32 of 2004 which was converted into Law No. 23 Year 2014 jo. PERPPU No. 2 Year 2014 concerning Regional Obligations, by the Department of Population and Civil Registration. Based on Law No. 24 Year 2013 on the Amendment of Law No. 23 Th. 2006 on Population Administration, Administration of the population is a series of activities in the policing arrangement and control of documents and demographic data through population registration, civil registration, information management and utilization of the results of population administration for public services and the development of other sectors.

______Residence documents have legal force as an authentic evidence generated from services for population registration and civil registration. Residence documents issued by the Department of Population and Civil Registry consists of Biodata Population; Family Card (KK); Identity Card (KTP); Certificate of Citizenship; Civil Registry deed.

______A birth certificate is a form of civil registration certificates that can be obtained by the public. According Permenneg. Women's Empowerment and Child Protection 6 Year 2012 on the Acceleration of Ownership Guidelines birth certificate in the Framework for Child Protection, a birth certificate is an official document issued by the implementing agency of civil registration that contains the official record of the place and time of birth of a child, the child's name and the name of the child's parents, as well as the citizenship status of children.

______Birth certificate useful as a tool and a data base for the government to draw up national budgets in the fields of education, health, social and child protection, with a birth certificate is also strong evidence as a child to get the inheritance rights of parents, protection, health, education, housing, prevent falsification of age, underage marriage, violence against children, child trafficking, illegal adoption and sexual exploitation, and others. If a child is not carrying his identity when born, then it will soon get a variety of issues that result for him, government, and society.

______Based on the data from Government Agency Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP) Population and Civil Regitrar Agency of Tanjungpinang 2013, the amount of the issuance of birth certificates have been issued in Tanjungpinang of 43,708 citations birth certificate. While the number of people who need birth certificates issued citations in Tanjungpinang to 2013 as many as 228 918 Life. The performance of the Department of Population and Civil Registration Tanjungpinang the birth certificate issuance services in 2013 reached 19.09%, while the target of achieving 50% of performance indicators in 2013. Accordingly, the level of achievement of performance of Population and Civil Registration in 2013 amounted to 38.19 % and this shows that the level of community participation in Tanjungpinang City civil registry documents in the form of a birth certificate is still low as well as the year 2012 amounted to 16.36%. also of the level of achievement of performance Less well.

______Achievement of this poor performance is due to lack of attention from the government as the organizer of the service recipient customer satisfaction birth certificate, so that should give direction to undertake a change of mindset apparatus of Population and Civil Registration in addressing the regional administration more service oriented. However, its implementation is not clearly visible on the ground, officials are less aware of the importance of excellent service, the service provided is still with the mindset of "served", as the recipient of the service would want to be served as well as possible, with a smile, greet, and friendly. Things like this is an easy thing, but often forgotten.

______The emergence of the tendency of the unfairness of the apparatus in the service of a birth certificate belonging to the community is less able to service a hassle. In contrast, for people who have money will get better service. If this situation happens continuously, will cause potentially dangerous in national life.

______Public complaints about services birth certificate shows that the performance of the apparatus of Population and Civil Registration not maximized so that necessary improvements in the implementation of public services. Performance apparatus of Population and Civil Registration will determine whether or not materialize public service delivery, especially in the field of birth certificate service

______The Government expects the participation of the community to immediately take care of the child's birth certificate as soon as possible, to ease population census. The government has set for a newborn child, good for sixty days, and after sixty days to one year, still not charged or free. When you have more than one year should be a decision of the Head of the Department of Population and Civil Registration District / City.

______Most of the people have not been aware of the importance of birth certificates. They considered birth certificate just formalities convoluted. Their lack of knowledge as well as low levels of education, is also a factor due to the distance between the home office of the Department of Population and Civil Registration far enough so that they are lazy to take care of the birth certificate.

______Implementing the administrative services of population and civil registration, in addition to the competent authorities is needed, but also requires the presence of a representative infrastructure. Facilities and infrastructure that will support the performance of a representative apparatus in carrying out the public service. By combining the two, it will achieve optimal service process.

______But sometimes one of these elements have not been met, so that the services provided be less than optimal. It happened in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Tanjungpinang. In these institutions, there are some problems such as office location is not right (at the intersection), which is not representative office building to be used as an office, the lack of a permanent office building, they rented houses, and the lack of parking space for people who want to take care of population administration.

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