Sunday, 10 May 2015

Performance of Population and Civil Registrar Agency in the Making Bitrh Certificate Service in City of Tanjungpinang Kepulauan Riau Province

Performance of Population and Civil Registrar Agency in the Making Bitrh Certificate Service in City of Tanjungpinang Kepulauan Riau Province
By: Nugraha Fitrah Harnugama

______Every society, both individuals and groups in a country have the right to obtain the services of his country's government. Public service functions (public service function) is one of the main functions of government, which is the government's efforts in order to meet the needs of society in order to realize one of the goals that the creation of the welfare state society, and is one indicator of success for the government in implementing the governance process.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Population Problems in Bone Regency SIAK Implementation problems in e-KTPrecording

Population Problems in Bone Regency
SIAK Implementation problems in e-KTPrecording 
In Tanete Riattang Subdistrict
By : Andi Aswin Manggabarani

_____One of the districts that are in the province of South Sulawesi is Bone County. District of bone has 27 districts which consists of 328 villages and 44 urban villages. In accordance with the mandate of regional autonomy obligatory functions of local government in accordance with those specified in the National Law Number 32 of 2004 which has been revised to National Law number 23 of 2014 jo. Government Regulation in lieu of National Law No. 2 of 2014 Government neighbor regions, compulsory Affairs under the authority of local government to the district / city is a matter of scale, district / city include:
a. Planning and development control; 
b. Planning, utilization, and control layout; 
c. Implementation of public order and public tranquility; 
d. Provision of public facilities and infrastructure; 
e. Handling of the health sector; 
f. Provision of education; 
g. Alleviation of social problems; 
h. The field of employment services; 
i. Facilitating the development of cooperatives, small and medium enterprises; 
j. Environmental control; 
k. Land services; 
l. Service population, and civil; 
m. The general administration of government; 
n. Investment administration services; 
o. Implementation of other basic services; and 
p. Other obligatory functions mandated by legislation.